Knowledge Platform on Food, Diet, Intestinal Microbiomics and Human Health


Jildau Bouwman (The Netherlands), Matthias Laudes (Germany) Tobias Pischon (Germany)

European Joint Programming Initiative

The INTIMIC Knowledge Platform is an action of the European Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’


The objective of INTIMIC is to foster transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration and networking in order to accelerate, further develop and increase the impact of intestinal microbiome research related to human health


INTIMIC is a multidisciplinary consortium of scientists from 52 research centres in 10 countries across Europe


Take a look at the full list of our deliverables per workpackage.


The major achievements of the JPI KP presented by Jildau Bouwman at the final meeting (23.5.2022):


The work in INTIMIC is divided into 7 Working Packages (WPs). Follow the link to learn more about the WP specific aims and achievements

- WP1: Data capture and sharing
- WP2: Standardization & guidelines for microbiome analysis
- WP3: Defining a reference microbiome
- WP4: Standardization of other data and ontologies
- WP5: Networking and training
- WP6: Human association studies
- WP7: Functional studies in model organisms


Thematic Working Groups (WG) were established to promote the cooperation between WPs.

- WG1: Early life - Leader: Martin Larsen
- WG2: Healthy ageing - Leader: Tobias Pischon
- WG3: Health and disease - Leader: Matthias Laudes
- WG4: Standard Ontologies