Study [NuGO_PPSH] study / subjects / design / samples / assays

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  • Roos, Baukje
    Principle Investigator


Public Design
Study title
Human PPS: an intervention study
Intervention/Observation study
Human PPS: an intervention study
The human PPS enrolled ten healthy volunteers that were asked to come to the Human Nutrition Unit in Aberdeen on four different days of the week during four weeks after an overnight fast to provide a blood sample (for the isolation of plasma, platelets and PBMC), and a saliva and a morning urine sample to assess intra- and interindividual variations in baseline levels. On the fourth sampling day, volunteers were fasted for an additional 24 h (total of 36 h) and again plasma, saliva and urine samples as well as circulating blood cells were collected for transcriptome, proteome and metabolome analysis. All samples are being submitted to comprehensive profiling employing all omics technologies. Biological variability and fasting responses are being monitored in plasma, platelets, peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC), urine and saliva by proteomics based on 2D-gel based platforms coupled to mass spectrometry for protein identification. Alterations in the PBMC transcriptome are being analyzed by employing the Affymetrix microarrays specifically designed for NuGO, and plasma and urine sample metabolite profiling is achieved based on NMR, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS platforms comprising non-targeted and targeted approaches. Moreover, a panel of 89 hormones, cytokines and chemokines and metabolic factors was analyzed on a commercial targeted profiling platform (RulesBasedMedicine, In this unique combination of nutrigenomics tools this study should provide the most comprehensive metabolic phenotyping possible in human volunteers with minimal invasive methods for obtaining appropriate biosamples.
2007-09-01 00:00:00.0
Study type
Human Intervention
(1) assess the biological intra-and inter-individual variance of a huge spectrum of molecular, metabolic and clinical parameters employing the different omics technologies at baseline and after a 36 h fasting period, (2) identify common and unique changes in these parameters in response to fasting, 3) determine the most comprehensive and sensitive omics approaches to detect and quantify the effects of a nutritional fasting challenge in humans.
Exclusion criteria
Taking aspirin or aspirin-containing drugs, other anti-inflammatory drugs, or any drugs or herbal medicines known to alter platelet function or the haemostatic system in general.
Inclusion criteria
Ascertained as healthy by a general medical examination including an haemotinic assessment.
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen

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